Top Health Benefits of Vitamin D

What exactly does vitamin D do for us and why should we be motivated to get enough of it? Luckily, 10-15 minutes in the sun each day can give us an ample dose, but sometimes, we don’t have time. According to an article by Health Remedies Journal, here are some of the top health benefits of vitamin D.

  • Lowers Risk of Developing Rheumatoid Arthritis
    Taking vitamins can prevent all different types of problems including a painful condition called rheumatoid arthritis. Eating organic eggs, mushrooms, and getting daily sunlight can help keep your body healthy and reduce the risk of getting this uncomfortable disease. As you age, your body really starts to need regular vitamin intakes because it will break down faster. If you take care of your health while you’re younger, you can avoid the onset of these painful conditions. Look at how much you’re supposed to get on a daily basis and, if it helps, keep a checklist of all the vitamins you get so you don’t forget. Because arthritis has the “-itis” suffix, it means it is an inflammatory disease and remember vitamin D is able to reduce the amounts of CRP which causes a lot of inflammation.
  • Boosts Your Immune System
    Vitamin D is another incredible, natural booster for our immune system. We rely on our immune system to protect us from a wide range of infections and bugs and, without it, we’d die. Vitamin D can boost immunity by providing immune cells with the energy they need to work efficiently.
  • Reduces Painful Inflammation
  • Inflammation is the root of some cancers!  The science shows that vitamin D helps lower the amount of C-reactive protein in your body which is responsible for painful inflammation. Abbreviated CRP, this compound is actually reduced by one third when you consume vitamin D. It’s great to know you can reduce your inflammation through getting a vitamin instead of taking a medication that has potentially harmful side effects and drug interactions.
  • Helps You Stay Mentally Alert and Emotionally Stable
    Even if you’re not struggling with a serious health problem, you may struggle with feeling mentally alert and keeping your emotional state positive. Most don’t realize how much of it has to do with the chemical processes in their body that can be regulated with a healthy diet and exercise. The older you get the more important this becomes. But, no matter what age you are, the healthier you Vitamin D helps your brain create positive neural connections that keep your mind sharp. This vitamin is known to help prevent Alzheimer’s as well.
  • Reduces Risk of Cancer
    Cancer is not a complete mystery anymore. We do know many of the reasons it develops and most of it comes from an unhealthy lifestyle (your body is constantly constipated, inflamed, or dehydrated). If you give yourself the proper nutrients, you greatly lower your risk of developing cancer. If you exercise regularly, you’ll allow those nutrients to do their jobs as well. Vitamin D can help reduce the growth of cancer cells and is an important part of the healing process of cancer.
  • Lowers Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
    If you are pre-diabetic, you should start making sure you get your full vitamin spectrum every day. Vitamin D helps to regulate insulin levels by helping your body secrete the chemical. Even if you are hyperglycemic, vitamin D will be helpful for you. If you want to avoid having to take insulin shots or medication, start getting your daily dose of sunshine.
  • Lowers Risk of Heart Disease
    Because the leading cause of death in the United States is heart disease, it’s extremely important to mention that Vitamin D can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease. There are many different types of heart disease that can come on slowly with symptoms that are very hard to detect. Many people don’t even realize they have a problem until it’s too late. Science has proven that people who don’t get adequate vitamin D are at a higher risk for these life-threatening conditions. Remember, you can always combine a supplement to your diet to make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D and other nutrients if you don’t get a balanced diet. It’s always better to get nutrients in your food, but that’s what supplements are designed to make up for.
  • Helps Keep Your Bones Strong
    Many young people are known to live for the moment and eat what they love, not what they think is best for their health. This habit stays on as they age because it’s hard to make health food palatable once the taste buds are addicted to artificial flavors added to processed foods. The sooner you switch to a clean healthy diet, the stronger your bones will stay as you age. The healthier your diet, the lower your risk of developing painful and high risk conditions such as osteoporosis. Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium in the body, so get your vitamin D and calcium on a daily basis and put your mind at ease.

There are many other benefits to Vitamin D so ensure you are getting enough. It’s always better to get nutrients in your food, but if you’re not getting enough you can always add dietary supplements to make up for it.  Good nutrition plays a vital role for healthy living.


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