New Year Resolutions Seniors Can Make

Here are some New Year Resolutions Seniors can make to improve their lives and well-being as we enter into the new year. Many of these resolutions are good advice for people of all ages. However, these resolutions should be fairly easy for seniors to obtain.

Exercise Regularly

This is a popular resolution for people of all ages.  Visit any gym in January and you are likely to see a surge in attendance but come back in February or March and you will see how quickly people abandon this goal. Exercise has countless health benefits especially as we age. Benefits include increasing cardiovascular health, strengthening bones, improving balance, and managing weight are critical as we age.  Find time and commit to this for the year.  Make small decisions like parking further from the store entrance and other simple tasks that you may not have done. If you’re physically limited, the pool can often be a less strenuous way to find some exercise.

Create or Review Your Legal Documents Such as Wills

The very nature of many legal documents is that you don’t need them until you need them, and this is especially true of wills, advance directives (also called a living will), and power of attorney documents. If you haven’t already created each of these, contact your attorney and set up an appointment to get the ball rolling. If you already created these documents many years ago, it is a good idea to review them periodically to ensure nothing about your wishes has dramatically changed.

Clean Out Your Attic, Garage or Closets

Discard old toys, outdated clothes, boxes of old papers.  If you forgot you had it, you probably don’t need it.  This task can sound overwhelming, but invite your children or loved ones to pitch in.  Often times this chore can be a way to reminisce and even turn into a fun trip down memory lane.

Eat Healthier

You can increase your odds of living longer and improving your quality of life simply by improving your diet. Lower weight, blood pressure and often time less medications because of better health can really help you as you age.

Learn How to Use Technology

Staying connected to family has never been easier thanks to the internet and social media. Seniors are one of the fastest growing demographics on Facebook. If you aren’t currently using social media ask a friend or loved one for a lesson and start connecting with friends and family virtually.

Begin to Explore Senior Living Options and In-home Care for the Long-Term

If you are approaching retirement age or already there, then you probably have already thought about where you would like to live as you grow old. While you may be considering senior living communities, there’s no time like the present to start exploring other options. Planning for in-home assistance is also another good idea if you intend on staying put for a while.  Having someone that can help with shopping and house cleaning tasks can greatly improve the quality of life for a senior.

Start setting your goals for 2024. Happy New Year!

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