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A Perfect Phone for Mom and it’s Free!

My Mother, before she passed, had severe hearing problems.  Over the years, hearing aid after hearing aid wore out or got lost.  But her eyesight remained perfect!  She lived alone in an apartment with various caretakers as her daily living and health care needs presented.

This morning, while reading the Palm Beach Post, I noticed an insert that may have helpful information about a device for our elders with hearing and/or speech issues.  I wouldn’t normally endorse a product to our clients but this particular device is for Florida residents only.  And it’s FREE!  It is called the FTRI program.  There is no cost, but the phone must be returned when the need is gone or if Mom or Dad move out of state.

Florida law (TASA F.S. 427) requires that the FTRI Program (Florida Telecommunications Relay, Inc.) and the Florida Relay Service be funded by a monthly surcharge which is a $0.10 monthly fee, billed to all telephone consumers, with landlines in the State of Florida.  They are a non-profit organization and supply communication equipment to anyone in Florida with a hearing or speech disability.  This company has been in business for over 25 years and have a seal from the Florida Public Service Commission. 

A Perfect Phone for Mom and It’s Free! Home Care One

Dial 7-1-1 to get assistance communicating with standard (voice) telephone users.

There are 3 different phones from simple amplifying to 40 and 60 decibels to a phone with a caption screen attached so my Mom could have read text of the conversation!  One of the phones has a super loud ringer.  One has a cord which would have kept the phone from being lost!

Qualifying for the free device is easy!  Your elderly loved one must be a Florida Resident and certified as having a hearing loss or speech impairment.  The Florida Relay Service phone number is 800-222-3448.  Their email is

There are Service locations at the following locations in Broward and Palm Beach Counties:

Audiology with a Heart
2324 South Congress
Suite 2G
Palm Springs, FL 33406

Center for Hearing and Communication
2900 W. Cypress Creek Rd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309

Center for Independent Living of Broward County
4800 North State Rd. 7
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl 33319

We will be stocking information sheets at our Delray Beach office if you would like more information.

by Coleen Persico
Staff Writer | Home Care One
February 24, 2019

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